Friday 18 March 2011

Chapter 5 : Fishing For Ladyboys

I could do this forever. If money wasn't an issue I would. No base, no home. Just bouncing around from place to place. As long as I can keep track of the football scores, then I don't need anything else. But unfortunately money is an issue. And after just a month of my two year trip, that is becoming far too apparrent. But if you ever get the chance to do this, do it. You don't have to be a free-spirited, nature bumming hippy either. Hell I'm not, I hate hippys. But there's something about wandering around everyday, almost aimlessly, as if with no purpose that nothing else can come close to. Fuck I am starting to sound like a hippy...

The bastard Germans, I had thought when i was flirting with certain death half way up the mountain. I'll die and they'll survive and it will be victory for Germany. Maybe that's what spurred me on. Refusal to lie down to Germania.
It had worked and when I woke the next morning all ill feeling towards their nation had faded. Well not all - I don't think that would ever be possible. To accommodate and to entertain is one thing, but to actually like a German? I'm not so sure.

Downhill walking today. Much better. More jungle so shaded from the sun. Easy day. 2 hours walking whilst I pestered the group with persistant renditions of 'When the lion sleeps tonight' , 'Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go' and a 'Riverside motherfucker'/'We no speak americano' mash-up I had created in my head. That one was Andy's fault. - He mentioned the restaurant we planned to go to that evening for steak : The Riverside. And as is usually the case, one word triggers another in my brain to translate any conversation into some form of music. So when he mentioned riverside, I, without any form of thought process, automatically blurted out 'Riverside Motherfucker'. And that was me away.
The bottom of the mountain. We made it. Now to go bamboo rafting. Or sitting on a bamboo raft whilst a Thai guy steers you around a disappointingly shallow stream. Where the rapids consist of a slight rock from side to side and a wet arse. Adrenaline rush there was not.

"Are there any crocodiles in this river?". "No" . "Damn, no crocodilious"

"Any elephants?" . "No". "Damn, no elephanto"

"Any ladyboys?" . "Maybe"

So that was it, the search was on for the lesser-spotted aquatic ladyboy.

After having to clarify to Vinz that elephanto and crocodilious are not English pronunciations of said animals, I explained that most of what i ramble on about is not common English. I talk shit basically. Not all English people sing and make up words at every given opportunity. So don't bother trying to learn or repeat any of what I say. Except for the part about the bitches. That is gospel.

We didn't catch any ladyboys. I think they're nocturnal.

Back in the van. Back to Chaing Mai. Said goodbye to the other German couple. Shame. Said goodbye to the northern Yank. Shame. Then arranged to meet Sarah later that night on the Rooftop bar.
The Jazz bar was full, disappointingly so off to the Reggae bar again and then, with more educated timing, to the Rooftop bar for just after midnight. We had built quite a group up. And what suprised me was that not one other person was English. - Two Americans, two Germans, one Dutch, two French, two Italians, one Swiss, one Belgian and then me. - and it was great.
But then the bar closed at 2am. So to the 7-11 supermarket down the road which was, confusingly to me, open way past 11. But bollocks, they're not licensed to sell alcohol after 12. Bollocks. But they did. Good boys. Back to Lauren & Shannon's hotel for a party then. Packed ourselves into two tuk-tuks and away we went.
We partied till 4 or 5ish, i can't remember exactly.... Until I once again had to give into the German's fear of anything less than their regimented 8 hours sleep. But it was ok, they were leaving tomorrow. Going back down south to go lay on a beach on an island. And I was going to be shackle free to party all night long.

So to bed. Drunk again. Confused as to how the Germans could go out at 8 and sit until 5am watching everybody else get drunk and not even be tempted to join them. Oh well. Tomorrow I am a German-free zone. Fun is one again permitted. It had been good to meet those guys but I wasn't exactly going to miss their sensible, sober ways.

I had made Andy promise to get drunk with me before he left and he had agreed and feigned some form of enthusiasm towards the idea.

But when it came down to it he had bailed on me.

"I'm too tired"

Bullshit. You're too German.

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